duminică, 1 iulie 2018



Dragilor, maine voi fi alaturi de o parte din prietenii mei in Ploiesti, alaturi de Darius, la Sala Europa, la ora 18.00
Spectacol organizat de "Asociatia De profesie, Om" in colaborare cu Asociatia VALEX si Asociatia Din Suflet cu Dragoste de Copii, in vederea strangerii de fonduri necesare terapiilor micutului Darius, in varsta de 5 ani, diagnosticat cu autism infantil.
Cei care nu ajungeti la spectacol, dar doriti sa sprijiniti terapiile lui Darius, puteti dona in contul Asociatiei "De profesie, Om" deschis la Banca Transilvania-Sucursala Ploiesti: 
RO57 BTRLRONCRT04 3145 8802 ! 
Va multumim din suflet!


Dear ones, tomorrow I will be with some of my friends in Ploiesti, together with Darius, at Europa Hall at 18.00! 
Spectacle organized by Association "By Profession, Human" in collaboration with VALEX Association and Association "From Soul with Love for Children", in order to raise funds for the therapies of the little Darius, 5 years old, diagnosed with infantile autism.

Those who cannot come to the show, but want to support Darius's therapies, can donate into the account of "By Profession, Human" Association open at the Transylvania Bank-Ploiesti Branch:

RO57 BTRLRONCRT04 3145 8802!

Thank you very much!


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