Iunie 2018 - O altfel de zi! O zi in care Asociația Valex a adus
bucuria in sufletele și in ochii copiilor cu probleme medicale,
institutionalizați in Centrul de Plasament din Plopeni, Prahova.
Voluntarii asociației, adolescenți și adulti, alături de copiii din
centru, au lăsat in urma lor o grădina prietenoasa, curată, cu băncuțe
și foișoare vopsite, spații verzi ingrijite. La final de zi, artiști din
Prahova au creat o atmosfera deosebita, cu muzica, dansuri și voie
buna! In acest centru, copii sunt înconjurați de dragoste și reușesc sa
creeze, prin puterile lor, lucruri deosebite. Respect tuturor celor
implicați in creșterea și educarea acestor copii!
21 June 2018 - A different day! A day when Valex Association brought joy into the souls and eyes of children with medical problems, institutionalized in the Plopeni Placement Center, Prahova. The association's volunteers, adolescents and adults, along with the children in the center, left behind a friendly, clean garden with painted benches and gazebos, carefree green spaces. At the end of the day, artists from Prahova created a special atmosphere with music, dancing and good pleasure! In this center, children are surrounded by love and manage to create, through their powers, special things. Respect to everyone involved in raising and educating these children!!
21 June 2018 - A different day! A day when Valex Association brought joy into the souls and eyes of children with medical problems, institutionalized in the Plopeni Placement Center, Prahova. The association's volunteers, adolescents and adults, along with the children in the center, left behind a friendly, clean garden with painted benches and gazebos, carefree green spaces. At the end of the day, artists from Prahova created a special atmosphere with music, dancing and good pleasure! In this center, children are surrounded by love and manage to create, through their powers, special things. Respect to everyone involved in raising and educating these children!!
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