Spectacolul muzical-caritabil intitulat "TRADITII FOLCLORICE" si
organizat de ASOCIATIA VALEX, in parteneriat cu ASOCIATIA "DE PROFESIE,
OM" a fost un succes deosebit, avand de toate: o sala plina pana la
final, aplauze frenetice, incurajari, emotii, dar si auditia multor
piese folclorice in interpretarea a peste 30 de mici solisti, apoi a
unora deja consacrati pe scenele prahovene si nationale.
Multumim CASEI CORPULUI DIDACTIC pentru punerea la dispozitie a locatiei.
Multumim in mod deosebit sponsorului principal SC GALEX CONSULTING, reprezentat de doamna VERONICA OPREA, prin care acest eveniment a fost posibil, precum si firmelor LIDO GIRBEA si TYMBARK.
Multe multumiri si partenerilor media:
- TVSE, prin prezenta distinsei doamne prezentator SIMONA BANICA;
- Ziarul Santinela Prahova
Felicitari tuturor concurentilor pentru daruirea si talentul lor!
Mult succes in continuare!
Multumim si autoritatilor locale si judetene pentru prezenta si sprijin.
Tot pentru sprijin multunim si Ordinului Cavalerilor Teutonic.
Multumiri deasemenea tuturor celor care au fost prezenti ca insotitori si sustinatori ai micilor si talentatilor interpreti, cu totii contribuind astfel pana la final la o tmosfera deosebita pe durata intregului spectacol, care a durat aproape 6 ore. Pe toti cei interesati sa ne ne fiti parteneri sau sponsori, va asteptam mereu alaturi de Asociatia Valex si la urmatoarele evenimente ale noastre!
Multumim CASEI CORPULUI DIDACTIC pentru punerea la dispozitie a locatiei.
Multumim in mod deosebit sponsorului principal SC GALEX CONSULTING, reprezentat de doamna VERONICA OPREA, prin care acest eveniment a fost posibil, precum si firmelor LIDO GIRBEA si TYMBARK.
Multe multumiri si partenerilor media:
- TVSE, prin prezenta distinsei doamne prezentator SIMONA BANICA;
- Ziarul Santinela Prahova
Felicitari tuturor concurentilor pentru daruirea si talentul lor!
Mult succes in continuare!
Multumim si autoritatilor locale si judetene pentru prezenta si sprijin.
Tot pentru sprijin multunim si Ordinului Cavalerilor Teutonic.
Multumiri deasemenea tuturor celor care au fost prezenti ca insotitori si sustinatori ai micilor si talentatilor interpreti, cu totii contribuind astfel pana la final la o tmosfera deosebita pe durata intregului spectacol, care a durat aproape 6 ore. Pe toti cei interesati sa ne ne fiti parteneri sau sponsori, va asteptam mereu alaturi de Asociatia Valex si la urmatoarele evenimente ale noastre!
The musical charity show called "FOLKLORIC TRADITIONS" and organized by VALEX ASSOCIATION, in partnership with "BY PROFESSION, HUMAN" was a great success, having all: a full room until the end, applause, encouragement, emotions, but and the audition of many folk songs in the performance of over 30 small solists, then some of them already consacrated on local and national scenes.
We thank you "HOUSE OF DIDACTIC CORPS" for making your location available.
We are particularly grateful to the main sponsor SC GALEX CONSULTING, represented by Mrs. Veronica OPREA, through which this event was possible, as well as to LIDO GIRBEA and TYMBARK.
Many thanks and media partners:
- TVSE, through the presence of the distinguished lady,
- Prahova Santinel Newspaper
Congratulations to all the contestants for their dedication and talent!
Good luck!
We also thank the local and county authorities for their presence and support.
Also for the support we thank to the Teutonic Knights Order.
Thanks also to all those who were present as companions and supporters of small and talented performers, all contributing to finish a great atmosphere during the entire show, which lasted almost 6:00. For all those interested in being partners or sponsors, we are always waiting for you with the Valex Association and for our next events!
We thank you "HOUSE OF DIDACTIC CORPS" for making your location available.
We are particularly grateful to the main sponsor SC GALEX CONSULTING, represented by Mrs. Veronica OPREA, through which this event was possible, as well as to LIDO GIRBEA and TYMBARK.
Many thanks and media partners:
- TVSE, through the presence of the distinguished lady,
- Prahova Santinel Newspaper
Congratulations to all the contestants for their dedication and talent!
Good luck!
We also thank the local and county authorities for their presence and support.
Also for the support we thank to the Teutonic Knights Order.
Thanks also to all those who were present as companions and supporters of small and talented performers, all contributing to finish a great atmosphere during the entire show, which lasted almost 6:00. For all those interested in being partners or sponsors, we are always waiting for you with the Valex Association and for our next events!
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