Astazi 17.04.2018, conducerea Asociatiei Valex a primit vizita delegatiei romano-italiene din localitatea Rovigo.
Avand ca obiective mai multe vizite in judet pe durata a catorva zile, grupul respectiv este compus din 4 persoane:
- dl. Paolo Avezzu : presedinte municipiul Rovigo
- dna Nicoleta Tacu: manager Europei Italia, localitatea Rovigo
- dra. Fraello Chiara : student coordonator ONG Folkloriamo Martisor
- dna Pavarin Francesca : reprezentant Circolo Rovigo.
Avand ca obiective mai multe vizite in judet pe durata a catorva zile, grupul respectiv este compus din 4 persoane:
- dl. Paolo Avezzu : presedinte municipiul Rovigo
- dna Nicoleta Tacu: manager Europei Italia, localitatea Rovigo
- dra. Fraello Chiara : student coordonator ONG Folkloriamo Martisor
- dna Pavarin Francesca : reprezentant Circolo Rovigo.
La intalnirea avuta s-au purtat discutii de colaborare si de potentiale
parteneriate bilaterale, urmand a fi reciproc analizate toate
propunerile pentru a fi gasite cele mai bune solutii de punere in
aplicare a lor.
Multumim delegatiei romano-italiene, pe care o asiguram de stima si aprecierea noastra pentru implicarea acesteia in relatia dintre cele doua tari.
Ciao a tutti, nuovi amici !
Multumim delegatiei romano-italiene, pe care o asiguram de stima si aprecierea noastra pentru implicarea acesteia in relatia dintre cele doua tari.
Ciao a tutti, nuovi amici !
Today, April 17th 2018, the Valex Association leadership received the visit of the Romanian-Italian delegation from Rovigo.
Having several visits to the county for several days, the group consists of 4 people:
- Mister. Paolo Avezzu: President of Rovigo
- Ms. Nicoleta Tacu: manager of Europe Italy, Rovigo
- Miss Fraello Chiara: NGO coordinating student Folkloriamo Martisor
- Ms. Pavarin Francesca: representative of Circolo Rovigo.
At the meeting, there were collaborative discussions and potential bilateral partnerships, and each proposal would be analyzed in order to find the best solutions for their implementation.
We thank the Romanian-Italian delegation, which we assure of our esteem and appreciation for its involvement in the relationship between the two countries.
Having several visits to the county for several days, the group consists of 4 people:
- Mister. Paolo Avezzu: President of Rovigo
- Ms. Nicoleta Tacu: manager of Europe Italy, Rovigo
- Miss Fraello Chiara: NGO coordinating student Folkloriamo Martisor
- Ms. Pavarin Francesca: representative of Circolo Rovigo.
At the meeting, there were collaborative discussions and potential bilateral partnerships, and each proposal would be analyzed in order to find the best solutions for their implementation.
We thank the Romanian-Italian delegation, which we assure of our esteem and appreciation for its involvement in the relationship between the two countries.
Ciao a tutti, nuovi amici !
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